Taylormade Tour Preferred Glove
#N7840619 N7840620, N7840621, N7840621, N7840623, N7840624, N7840719, N7840720, N7840721, N7840722, N7840723,
Production Time: 5 Working Days
$31.25 each
DescriptionPreferred by the world's best. Durable AAA cabretta leather. Ultra-thin construction for superior feel. Made from the highest quality AAA Cabretta Soft Tech™. Leather to ensure an exceptional grip with a comfortable feel. Superior fit: Contoured fit wrist band with moisture wicking.
Normal Production Time
5 Working Days
Additional InformationColors: White
Imprint type: N/A
Imprint Position: Not Available as Logo Product
Sizes: Regular Left: S (N7840619) M(N7840620) M/L (N7840621) L (N7840621) XL (N7840623) XXL (N7840624)
Regular Right: S (N7840719) M(N7840720) M/L (N7840721) L (N7840722) XL (N7840723)
Cadet Left: S (N7840719) M(N7840720) M/L (N7840721) L (N7840722) XL (N7840723)
Call for availability.
No returns
Companion: N7837319